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Services  /  Pain Management  /  Conditions Treated

Conditions Treated

Pain that occurs in joints and feels like a constant ache.

Back Pain
Pain in the upper and/or lower areas of the back. This type of pain can be a constant ache, burning, stabbing, numbness, or tingling sensation.

Cancer-Related Pain
Tumors pressing on bones, nerves or other organs can cause pain. Some cancer treatments like chemotherapy can also cause pain.  

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
A chronic pain condition that generally happens after an injury that results in numbness and tingling, temperature changes, color changes or swelling to an arm or leg.

Compression Fractures
Fractures that occur in the vertebrae of the spine and are typically due to a fall or injury to the back.

Diabetic Neuropathy
Numbness and tingling in the lower extremities (legs and feet) related to blood sugar levels.

Pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. Headaches can be classified as migraines, tension headaches or cluster headaches.

Knee Pain
As it relates to pain management, chronic aching in the knee. 

Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Pain that is located in muscles throughout the body.

Neck Pain
Pain related to the neck. This type of pain can be an ache, numbness and tingling, burning, or stabbing sensations. This pain can travel to the upper extremities (arms and hands).

As it relates to pain management, long-lasting inflammation of the pancreas. This condition causes pain in the upper abdomen (belly) that can be felt in the back.

Peripheral Neuropathy
Numbness and tingling sensations that can be felt in the arms, hands, legs and feet.

Muscle tightness that comes and goes in a specific area.

Spinal Headache
An intense headache immediately after a lumbar puncture, epidural or other spinal procedure. The headache gets better when lying down and gets worse when sitting in an upright position.  

Spinal Stenosis
A narrowing of the spaces within the spine which puts pressure on nerves and the spinal cord. Pain occurs in the lower extremities (legs and feet) and feels like a numbness or tingling sensation.

Traumatic/Sports Injuries
Any injury that has turned into a chronic pain.

The above conditions are some of the most common conditions treated. We offer skilled care for numerous other related medical conditions. If you need care for a condition not listed here, Contact Us or call 618-297-9616.
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